awareness, consciousness, inspiration, Judaism, Kabbalah, spirituality, Walking The Bridge books

Let There Be Light and Consciousness from One Level of Soul to the Next

Isaac said,

If we had a goal, it would be to bring the unconscious to light, bring it to consciousness. The reason Shabbos and all Jewish holidays begin at nightfall is because we are bringing light into our darkness. Bringing more awareness.

When God said, “Let there be light,” it meant “Let there be consciousness.”

Question: If our progress in this life depends on becoming aware of our unconscious limitations, is this also true of the beings in other realms?

Yes, Isaac replied. In all worlds, all realms, the challenge is to become more and more conscious. Imagine three bottles of increasing size, and they are one inside the other, each with its own cork. Each contains seawater as well as its smaller bottle.

The smallest bottle is our physical existence. When we finish this existence, and the small bottle breaks, we are released into a larger space. We have an experience of expansion into more seawater. It feels liberating. We gain a wider perspective in the astral plane. Yet eventually we find we are limited by the next larger bottle.

All beings want to and need to increase awareness, in order to go beyond all the bottles. By the time we break all the bottles, we re-join the Unity of the Ocean. We melt into It, and we’re overjoyed to do so.

Watch and listen to your dreams. Dreams are often the best tool to uncover the unconscious. You might like to jot down a few descriptive words the moment you awaken, to strengthen your remembrance.

Question: Please explain more about the levels of the soul, of increasing consciousness. Are they like the bottles?

Yes, the levels of the soul are the Nefesh, the Ruach, the Neshama, the Chaya, and finally the Yehidah. Only the Yehidah is complete Union.

Among the many names for God, Elokim is the One who forms all things in the world of duality. This is a subject-object world, where the subject is your inner witness, looking at the objects.

Havayah is the name of God that means Unity, and God alone.

These are Isaac’s words from Chapter 62 of Volume 1, Walking the Bridge – With a Fearless Heart.

bottle maybe

inspiration, Judaism, Kabbalah, spiritual book

Return to Unity this month of Elul

Words from Isaac (Chapter 29 of Volume 1) –

In the month of Elul now, I approach my Beloved and my Beloved approaches me, nearer than at other times of the year.
We are Returning.
Turning our attention to the Divine.

We need to make an effort, make repairs, make apologies, make peace.

Imagine standing in front of mirror with your arms crossed. You’re waiting for the person in the mirror to make the first move. So you stand there. You wait.
You have the illusion that you are separate from this person in the mirror.

Nothing’s going to happen until you begin.
Don’t just stand there and wait for the Divine Beloved to make the first move.
A mature lover knows they have to make the first move, or everything dies off.

When we have difficult times in this world, we know the divine pipes are clogged above us. We need to go way up high to open them.
So we raise our vibration. We lighten up.

When you feel attacked or feel troubled, do not engage in the conflict.
Instead turn to silence and rise higher to the world of unity where nothing is wrong or right. No judgments on anything here, in this upper world.

Thoughts float around, ready to take form in creation. But these thoughts carry no charge, no opinion. This place is only the birthplace of thought.

Some people might say you’re avoiding the issue, like an ostrich puts its head in the sand. No. This is different.
You are going to a world far above this one, where nothing is wrong or right.
You put yourself out of the race, out of the conflict.
You move out of Duality into Unity, union with All.

(Thanks to Wikipedia for this image from high above our plane.)
EmissionNebula from wikipedia